“What do you aim to be when you grow up?” There's no one who hasn't heard that question! So, have you decided what you aim to be? While we answer this question more easily at younger ages, we see that our ambivalence increases at older ages. When determining our educational or professional preferences, we realize that multiple factors interfere and we are unable to clarify our preferences. The questions in our minds go o increasing ...is it a profession that will improve my quality of life? Is it a profession I'd enjoy doing? Is it a profession my parents want? Will I be able to get into university to get to that profession? Which department is suitable for me and my abilities? What if I'm not happy in my chosen profession? Although the questions are almost the same for everyone, the answers to them are specific to each individual. The individual's needs, expectations, personality traits, abilities, efforts, surroundings, etc. are all factors in his determination and ambivalence in his career choice. It takes expertise to analyze all these things on scientific basis and to provide appropriate solutions and lternatives to the individual. This book is a guide for you to take the right steps to ensure that your life goals and professional preferences overlap and resolve your career indecision. Ypu can rwach the book on https://www.kitapyurdu.com/kitap/kariyer-kararsizligi/538390.html&filter_name=abdulrezzak%20%C3%A7il